Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage review

A lot like Sin of Solar Empire but too simple. Looks nice. Research is too fast and can't be queued so it needs babysitting. So does each colony. Press F1. Really its the simplicity that fails cause research and colony# can both be reduced.

Impossible Creatures review

The creatures and creator looks good. So is all the voice and story and setting; though the story is a bit silly. Great concept with decent execution.
Lots of info is missing like how much exactly does regen regen and poison reduce and herding increase. Without real info on abilities its all hp * armor * dmg / cost. I still don't know what armor really does. Tech eras go by too fast. Micro still a problem though not too much.
Warzone2100 has similar mechanic and is better.
Forum; [Link removed - login to see]
Lots of info is missing like how much exactly does regen regen and poison reduce and herding increase. Without real info on abilities its all hp * armor * dmg / cost. I still don't know what armor really does. Tech eras go by too fast. Micro still a problem though not too much.
Warzone2100 has similar mechanic and is better.
Forum; [Link removed - login to see]

Imperium Galactica review

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idk i'm just leaving a reminder that there is an OS version. Great awesome game with live action but not so hammy.
idk i'm just leaving a reminder that there is an OS version. Great awesome game with live action but not so hammy.

Six Feet Under review

Burn the witch! Seriously half the show is about a witch murdering people and such. I imagine she would make a lot of money working for the mafia.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown review

Compared to the original this game is less organic. Examples; Only one piece of equipment per soldier, enemy units never move until discovered and you can't place bases wherever you want. Similarly, single player switches from battlefield to squad feel. The game's squad focus and less organicness create advantages such as much less micromanagement, class abilities and maybe mission variety. Game gives up all pretenses of scary in favor of more epic. The slow mo overwatch animations and burned out crash site forests succeed at being epic flavored. 8/10 atm I will get back with more details later.
Update: Only one micromanagement/UI issue; when just moving through map with no aliens to shoot I am forced to go through the whole team to set overwatch or hunker down after non-dash move. Automatically set to one of these on end turn pls. Just one fault puts this UI far above that of most strategy games. Strategy ends a bit simplified as it often boils down to staying close to squadmates, moving slowly and focusing all fire to kill off any alien foolish enough to wander into view.
Update: Only one micromanagement/UI issue; when just moving through map with no aliens to shoot I am forced to go through the whole team to set overwatch or hunker down after non-dash move. Automatically set to one of these on end turn pls. Just one fault puts this UI far above that of most strategy games. Strategy ends a bit simplified as it often boils down to staying close to squadmates, moving slowly and focusing all fire to kill off any alien foolish enough to wander into view.

Aquaria review

A few notes from playing the demo; It looks really nice but anyone can see that from a trailer. The movement of character and projectiles is unique and fun. Unfortunately the spam clicking left button and controls during combat suck and cause wrist pain. I really didn't like the metroidvainia puzzle elements cause i never like backtracking and all ways have a hard time solving puzzles. Every real gamer aught to try at least the demo for the game's unique features.

Endless Space Emperor Special Edition review

Great art design and good graphics. Decent complexity but lacking in replayability because there are only a couple unique civilization builds and focuses. The micromanagement breaks my brain at more than 3 fleets and 5 systems (cities) and at those game sizes the only viable civilization build is combat. The AI often makes all of it's ships the type that is weak overall but mostly does not counter the specific design strategy I'm using. EDIT: not true for highest difficulty, but then just retreat. Also the game's elements are unbalanced like Labor over Wit heroes and heroes in general. While there is such a thing as critical tech like the Cashmir effect to travel out of constellation, most of the time its just pick the cheapest and mildly useful techs.
Has decent depth/complexity and poor micromanagement reduction. Has multiplayer and mods.
Has decent depth/complexity and poor micromanagement reduction. Has multiplayer and mods.

Guardians of Graxia review

This is a few complaints about the computer implementation: Please allow speeding up of combat phase especially when i can't sacrifice/play spells. The game is non-grindy/micromanagy but still complex enough. Unfortunately it has no deck building and that kills it for me.

Warhammer: Mark of Chaos review

Liked previous incarnation of RTT Warhammer game called "Dark Omen" more. As always i think complexity is missing. That and i often don't have enough time to manage 20 units at once. Epic cut scenes. Good graphics. Unlike other RTT games manually coordinating your artillery matters. Wish i could find a better explanation of the mechanics.
Walkthrough: [Link removed - login to see] .
Walkthrough: [Link removed - login to see] .

End of Nations review

YES! ITS A DECENT GAME!!!!! Yes its better than SG. If only because the textures here don't make my eyes hurt.
So it has a nice variety of maps and enough of a variety of units but its better to get all of a kind. After I pick my set of units and the game starts there is unfortunately not much to do. Just pick the place for the units to go. Ofc there are buildings and abilities too but after some time they are usually used the same way. Or maybe once i tried all the units out there i was not entertained. And closed beta 3 is over. 10 hours of fun.
So it has a nice variety of maps and enough of a variety of units but its better to get all of a kind. After I pick my set of units and the game starts there is unfortunately not much to do. Just pick the place for the units to go. Ofc there are buildings and abilities too but after some time they are usually used the same way. Or maybe once i tried all the units out there i was not entertained. And closed beta 3 is over. 10 hours of fun.